Sunday, July 6, 2008

Thing #20

Actually this was an easy one for me. I have already embedded a video that a friend sent me last week. It took me awhile to figure out how to do it, but I got it done. It's posted as "Something Extra" in my archives. If I had not already used that one, it is the one I would have chosen anyway. A very inspirational story that brought tears to my eyes, it struck a chord with me because I work with children who are disabled.

I love the idea of adding videos to our classroom blog - some for information, some for just plain fun. As I said before, our students need to enjoy learning to stay engaged. This would be just one more way to keep their attention.

I think the same could be true of the library website. Informational videos could serve a dual purpose - dispensing the information and freeing up the librarian to work with students.

I found this video today that I thought my readers would enjoy.

But this is without doubt one of the funniest I have ever seen. I keep it on my desktop and whenever I need a laugh, I play it. As many times as I've seen it, I still laugh!!

1 comment:

Through My Eyes said...

Thank you so much for making my kids laugh today!